What our Customers say...

Community Testimonials


I wish to offer my sincere appreciation to you, SERVPRO of the Mountains, and your team in a generous donation of time and energy from the missionary housing project on the Toccoa Falls Campus. We appreciate the professional cleaning of the sofa, love seat and the cushions of one of the homes. They greatly enhanced the decor and "freshness" of the house. Thank you for your involvement in helping us improve these furnished homes for missionaries and international workers during their year of home assignment.


We wish to offer you our gratitude for your help and encouragement. Many of these projects we cannot complete without gifts and generosity of individuals and corporations within our surrounding area, and we are grateful to SERVPRO of the Mountains.


Thank you again for your help in making this endeavor a reality. May God bless you and SERVPRO.




Dr. Roberts Meyers


Toccoa Falls College

They were nice, courteous, wholesome, young men. Your entire staff represented your company well. I would be proud to have any or all of them work for me! (Water Damage Restoration)

SERVPRO did a great continuing education class. It was very informative. I learned some things I did not know before. The instructor (Don) had a great delivery and class participation was encouraged. (In regards to Continuing Education Classes provided in Cornelia for Insurance Agents about Mold Remediation and Deodorization.) - Clayton, Georgia